At Earlview Primary School and Nursery we embrace and promote a family atmosphere which is safe and inclusive for all.
We welcome children into our nurturing school community. We encourage and support all children to become confident learners who value their own self-worth.
Working in partnership with our parents/guardians and carers, we enable each child to fulfil their potential and celebrate their achievements.
Earlview Primary School and Nursery will work in partnership to ensure that our supportive and stimulating environment is further developed with an increased focus on nurture and removing the barriers to learning. Through a culture of reflection and improvement, we aim to reduce underachievement and create a community where all children learn, thrive and achieve to the best of their abilities.
Mission Statement
On a daily basis we aim to:
Provide high quality teaching, that adapts to the needs of all children, giving each child access to a broad and balanced curriculum, through engaging lessons that foster a sense of pride in children to aspire, achieve and contribute to their own learning journey.
Ensure the development of the whole child, providing opportunities for each child to demonstrate their creativity and imagination, through Art and Design, Music and Drama. Through class and extra-curricular activities we will inspire children to develop a healthy mind and body through physical activity. We will support them to make healthy choices and to develop a positive self-image.
Implement our positive behaviour policy consistently and teach the Christian values of patience, love, kindness, joy and self-control so that all children aspire to become loving and caring citizens, able to resolve conflicts and display resilience.
Create an environment in which positive relationships are fostered and all stakeholders are valued and respected. Through regular communication and active participation in school life, the voices of pupils, parents/guardians, staff, governors and the wider school community will be heard.

Where do our children come from?
We are a school with children from our local community and much
further afield. We have children from: New Mossley, Ballyduff, Mallusk, Beverley and Fairview areas, Rathcoole, Belfast, Ballyclare, The Brambles, Rathfern, Carrickfergus, Straid, Antrim Road, Berrylands and other areas.
A strong work ethic
In Earlview we have very high expectations of all our children. We expect them to work very hard and progress in line with their ability. They will be stretched and taught to aim high for themselves and not to accept second best in any aspect of life, including their work in school.
Our staff will constantly monitor their progress to ensure they are fulfilling their potential and if they are not, we will strive to rectify the situation through whatever action is required.

Where do our child go after Primary 7?
Our children are given opportunities to attend all local secondary level schools in the area. Over the last five years we have sent children to the following schools:
Ballyclare High, Belfast High, Antrim Grammar, Carrickfergus Grammar, Ulidia Integrated in Carrickfergus, Ballyclare Secondary, Glengormley High and Abbey Community College.
In September 2020, 90% of our P7 pupils who had left in June 2020, and had applied for grammar school places, got them. WOW!
We have a close working relationship with these schools, with most of them coming into Earlview every year to tell our children about their particular school and what it has to offer them as a pupil.
We have particularly strong links with Glengormley High, through the extended Schools Programme.
Special Educational Needs

We care for our children as individuals in every aspect of their lives. We therefore strive to meet the educational needs of each child, irrespective of their ability. Where specialist help is required, we will seek it actively. RISE, which consists of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and other professionals, are frequently in Earlview. Educational psychologists also visit us from time to time. We currently have a full time Literacy Support Assistant,15 Classroom Assistants and are involved in the "Engage" programme which supplies extra teachers for P1-7.

Our School grounds
We take great pride in our grounds and make a real effort to ensure that they look well during all four seasons of the year.
We have invested money to make our outdoor areas great for learning and use them regularly. Our P1-3 playground was upgraded this year and includes lots of new activities and areas to learn through play.
We have playground markings which can be used for lunchtime games but also by teachers for helping to teach maths and other subject areas.
Our commitment to conservation is evident in our willow dome, pond with frogs and goldfish, apple and plum trees, vegetable plots, pots at the front door and shrubs and plants through the site. This year we are even creating our very own Wildflower garden with local community volunteers.